Our Services


Where we're not here to play nice or sugarcoat the truth. In a landscape teeming with empty promises and superficial fixes, we’re the ones who aren’t afraid to confront reality head-on. Our consultive services aren’t about polishing up your image; they’re about slashing through the pretense and getting to the core of what really matters.

Here’s the deal: strategic planning, operational efficiencies and growth, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), health equity, quality improvement, and accreditation readiness – we tackle them all, but not in the way you’re used to. We’re here to get under the hood, challenge the status quo, and make sure you’re not just checking boxes but actually driving meaningful change.

We don’t deal in pretty reports and feel-good slogans. Instead, we deliver the unvarnished truth and the actionable insights you need to overhaul your approach. If you want to genuinely enhance operations, prepare for the short and long term future, caregiver satisfaction and ensure equity isn’t just a buzzword, then buckle up. Tru Partner© is here to cut through the BS and make sure you’re not just talking the talk – you’re living it.

Tru vue© Survey

A strategic initiative designed to gather comprehensive demographic information about your organization; for your organization. The primary purpose of this survey is to enhance your understanding of the diverse composition within your organization, fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment.

TruHue Culture Assessment –
Board Edition©

A groundbreaking assessment designed specifically for governing boards seeking to assess and enhance their organizational culture in the realms of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). The survey serves as a strategic tool for governing boards, allowing them to delve into the intricacies of the cultural transformation landscape within their organizations. This high-level assessment provides a comprehensive overview, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Recognizing the pivotal role of governance in shaping organizational culture, this assessment empowers governing boards to embark on a journey of self-discovery and improvement.

TruHue Culture Assessment Survey©

Intentionally crafted with organizational versatility in mind, embodies simplicity and effectiveness. It is tailored to seamlessly adapt to diverse business sectors, transcending distinctions such as For Profit, Non-Profit, Not For Profit, Private Sector, Government, and Large or Small enterprises. Aligned with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) emphasis on Health Equity, 38% of our survey questions are crafted in the spirit of the CMS Health Equity Framework.


In a world where every provider claims to prioritize all patients equally, TruHue's latest service pulls back the veil to reveal the raw truth about caregiver satisfaction. We're here to cut through the BS and answer the tough question: Are caregivers truly receiving equitable care, or are we just paying lip service to inclusivity?

With Tru Insights©, we're not just analyzing good scores. We’re digging into the gritty reality of what caregivers are actually saying, slicing through the fluff to focus on raw, unfiltered truths about disparities in healthcare service delivery. This tool doesn't just spit out numbers and pretty charts; it serves up a reality check that healthcare providers desperately need to adjust their lens on equity. Let's face it, saying we take care of "all" patients means nothing if we're not ensuring equitable care for every single one.


Let's be real here. We're not just throwing another strategic planning session. We’re diving headfirst into the chaotic, thrilling world of cultural transformation with the TruHue Cultural Transformation Workbook©. We’re diving deep into the gnarly world of Transformation. We're not just talking diversity to tick boxes or pat ourselves on the back. No, we’re about tearing down the usual processes and building something epic in its place. We’re focusing hard on equity, pushing for real inclusion, and fostering belonging like our lives depend on it—because, guess what? They kinda do.


Welcome, intrepid learner, to this masterclass—not for the faint of heart, but for the bold. This is no gentle stroll through the park on cultural transformation. No, it’s a relentless, muck-raking, truth-baring journey into the very core of what these words mean and why they matter.

TruHue Cultural
Transformation Workbook© presents:

Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: 
An Authentic Journey to Cultural Transformation

A no-BS guide that'll drag you, maybe kicking and screaming, towards creating a genuinely inclusive culture. This isn't just another item for your corporate shelf; it's the flashlight cutting through the fog of buzzwords and half-measures, illuminating the gnarly path of real change.

Tru access©

Healthcare isn't just about treating symptoms. It's about treating people—all people—regardless of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. This survey isn’t another bureaucratic checkbox. It's a brutally honest mirror showing if your organization is truly providing equitable access to high-quality care or just paying lip service. This survey is designed to genuinely gauge your organization's internal efforts against the stark realities of disparities that shouldn’t exist in today’s age. Inspired by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Health Equity Framework, this assessment empowers organizations to evaluate their performance across key domains: data collection and analysis, management operations and access, organizational and workforce capacity, provision of culturally tailored services, and the accessibility of health services.

Organizations are defined not just by what they achieve but
by how they cultivate their internal ecosystem